Wednesday, December 18, 2013

W... W... W... Wednesday 18/12/2013

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading
where you answer the following questions:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently read?
What will you be reading next?

What are you currently reading? I'm reading "The Shadowhunter's Codex" by Cassandra Clare and Joshua Lewis. It's so cool, I love it! Yea, I am a complete shadowhunters nerd and I have no shame!

What did you recently read? "Catching Fire", it was about time I read it, so in honor of the film release, I finally pushed past the first few chapters. I'll post a review in the next couple of days.  

What will you be reading next? "The Naturals" by Jennifer Lynn Barnes has been on my TBR list for ages, and I really want to read "Chaos of Stars" by Kieresten White. 

So what's you WWW for this week? Let me know in the comments!


  1. I'm just like you. I've had The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes on my TBR pile for ages. Must find more time. The Chaos of Stars was a good read. I really enjoyed all the Egyptian mythology. Happy reading.

  2. Happy reading! :)
    Here is my WWW -

  3. Enjoy all your books. Did you see the film of Catching Fire?

    Have a great rest of the week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My W…W...W...

    1. Yeah I did, it's actually what prompted me to finally read the book. Did you see it?
      And thank you, I hope you have a great week too :)

  4. I liked Catching Fire! :-) I hope you enjoy The Naturals.

  5. Looks like great choices for the week! Hope you enjoy. Here's my link

  6. So glad I am not the only one who is behind on reading Catching Fire hehe. Thanks for stopping by Fire & Ice

  7. I'm slowly working my way through TMI and loving it but keep reading other books in between so I'm only up to book 4! Enjoy.

  8. I read the first two Hunger Games books and put Mockingjay off for ages. I just couldn't let the story end.

  9. I need to catch up on the Hunger Games series. I'll have to check out the other books on your WWW. Happy reading!
