Monday, December 30, 2013

Quote-Tastic 30/12/13

"Quote-Tastic" is a meme hosted every Monday on Herding Cats & Burning Soup . To participate you have to post a favorite quote from a current or past read.
This week's quote is from "Discount Armageddon" by Seanan McGuire, which is a really fun read. The best thing by far about the book were the Aesir Mice, a breed of talking mice who live with the main character and always have a reason to celebrate. 
“Didn't we talk about this?"
"That isn't an answer." I planted my hands on my hips. "Was there a reason for shoving the gummy bears off the counter? Did they tell you they were suicidal? On second thought," I raised a hand, palm out, "don't answer that. If the candy is talking, I don't want to know.”
"The container blocked the Sacred Route of Celebration!" announced one of the junior priests. 
So, what's your favorite quote this week? Let me know in the comments! 


  1. I LOVED that book. Heck, I LOVE Seanan McGuire... husband might not be too happy about that fact ;)

  2. I haven't heard of this author or book, sounds funny :)

  3. I need to tr this author out. I have a couple of books but haven't gotten around to them. Thanks for the quote!

    -Amanda P

    Where the Night Kind Roam
