"Quote-Tastic" is a meme hosted every Monday on Herding Cats & Burning Soup . To participate you have to post a favorite quote from a current or past read.
This week's quotes are from a past read, "The Summer I Became a Nerd" by Leah Rea Miller.
What are your favorite quotes this week? Let me know in the comments!
But you can make you happy, my father's voice repeats over and over as I stare at my ceiling.Have I been trying to do that all this time? Has that other part of me been trying to break through because deep down I know I'll never be happy until... Until what? Until I'm able to freely discuss who I think would win in a battle between Darth Vader and Lord Voldemort? (The answear obviously being Lord Voldemort. He'd Avada Kadavra Vader way before Vader could even think about the force choke move.)
I can't swallow another drop of soda by this point because the carbonation is burning my throat."Oh really? Well..." I trail off as I feel bubbling at the base of my throat. This is not good.Before I can stop myself, I let out the biggest burp I've ever, ever, ever had. I slap a hand over my mouth and stare at Logan whose eyebrows have reached astronomical heights.
"Dude! So not smooth, man! Girls cannot stand rudeness," Dan yells from the back room.
Heh, I really like that first quote. But then, what's not to like about someone who thinks about Vader and Voldemort facing off? :D