Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Covers I Wish I Could Redesign

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by the Brooke and the Bookish. This week's top ten is of covers I wish I could redesign.

10. Revelations. The cover of the first book is gorgeous, this is just generic and plain unimaginative.  

9. City of Lost Souls. This looks like a series B romance novel. I wish they had put Isabelle on the cover: this book did a lot to develop her character and she has never been on the cover before, unlike Jace and Clary.

8. Behemoth. I don't understand why they had to change the design of the Leviathan series - the original, clockwork motif was beautiful, I wish they'd kept it.  

7. Odd and the Frost Giants. I really don't like this cover. I think that something hand-drawn in cold, soft hues would have worked better.

6. All those covers with girls in ball gowns standing in completely random places. It's unimaginative and more often than not it has nothing to do with the story.

5. The original Harry Potter covers. They already have been redesigned and I've got to say I like the new design a lot better: it keeps the style of the old one, but looks better. 

4. Obsidian. A girl hugging a relatively hot boy. That's what I have to look forward to, book? Yawn.  I would have liked something more dynamic. 

3. The Summoning. This cover is unoriginal and quite flat. I would have liked something hand-drawn in rich reds and purples. 

2. Allegiant. I don't like the color, I don't like the symbol. I would have preferred something faction-related, maybe Abnegation or something which incorporates the signs of the five factions. 

1. Born at Midnight. I hate this cover. It puts me off reading the book. The model looks possessed, the hot pink writings are out of place. I think that something with a mono-colored symbol on a simple backdrop would have looked better.

So, what are the top ten covers you wish you could redesign? Let me know in the comments!

Source: Goodreads

1 comment:

  1. I agree with all of them, especially the Allegiant cover, the UK one wasn't any better. But I did see another hardback cover in a bookshop today, was actually a really good one, may have to track it down. Great list. My TTT.
