Friday, October 3, 2014

Book Beginning and the Friday 56 3/10/2014

Book Beginning is a meme hosted on Rose City Reader. To partecipate, you have to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. 

Friday 56 is a meme hosted on Freda's Voice. To participate, you have to post one or a few sentences from either page 56 or 56% of a book of your choosing. 

Today, I am using "Runemarks" by Joanne Harris for these two memes.
The beginning:
Seven o'clock on a Monday morning, five hundred years after the End of the World, and goblins had been at the cellar again.
I really like the beginning, actually. It's definitely intriguing and immediately gives some really important information in an effective way.

Page 56:
"The language of Chaos?" said Maddy. "But I don't know it. I've never heard of it-"
"Yes you do,", said One-Eye. "It's in your blood."


  1. Seems the world went on after it ended.

  2. I really like the beginning. I like the 56 too. I would definitely read it.

  3. I definitely like the beginning! I definitely want to know more about the goblins at the cellar and the language of Chaos. Hope you're enjoying this one!

  4. Yeah, in the book's mythology the world has ended and begun several times. :)

  5. The cover grabbed me and your tease finished me off. LOL Sounds like a great read.
    My Friday Memes The Crawl

  6. I'm intrigued! Great opening, pesky goblins. LOL

    So who is this One-Eye. Not a cyclops? Sounds quirky and creepy. I''ll check it out.

    here is my 56 -

  7. Sounds quite scary.

    I hope you enjoy it....I think I would be too afraid. :)

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

  8. I like the cover and the story sounds interesting.

  9. Sounds like the makings of a decent fantasy!
    Happy weekend!
