Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish Resolutions

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by the Brooke and the Bookish. This week's top ten is of bookish resolutions.

* Start reading books that are on my TBR shelf instead of getting side-tracked all the time and keep putting those reads off.

* Stop checking the number of pages of a book before deciding wether I should read it or not. If a book is good, 800 pages will feel like 100 and if it's bad 300 pages will feel like 1000. 

* Branch out more. I want to try and read new genres and leave my comfort zone.

* Stop trying to finish a book I don't like. It never works and I always end up in reading slumps when I try to force myself.

* WRITE. I've had a huge writer block for the last two years and though I've recently overcome it and finally have ideas, I have not finished any of the stories I started recently.     

* Organize my bookshelves on Goodreads. I have created a lot of bookshelves, but I'm to lazy to actually use them. It's time to change that.

* Comment more. I read a lot of blogs, but I rarely ever comment. And I want some of those comments to be on reviews, because those are usually the posts that get the least comments.

* Make more friends in the blogging community. 

* Stop stressing about the number of books I read. It's not a matter of quantity, it's a matter of quality. 

* Partecipate in a book giveaway. 

So, what are your resolutions, bookish and non, for 2014? Let me know in the comments! 


  1. Love your list. I can completely relate with all the items that you've listed. Thanks for sharing and thanks for dropping by my TTT post. :)

  2. I just realized I check the pages, too. :X I need to stop doing that myself, it's not very encouraging, usually. :)
    I try to read new genres this year as well. I hope I manage :)
    Happy reading!

    My TTT

  3. I've also realised I check pages too! That's quite a bad habit. I hope you achieve your goals! Good luck!

  4. Writing is definitely on my list this year too. I have three book projects I am working on (one alone and two as a collaboration) ad I am failing on all accounts. I feel like once you have writer's block, you avoid sitting down to write after that.

    Great list!

  5. I check the number of pages of a book too, how funny. Good luck with your goals. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great week.

    Lacie @ Rainy Dayz Reviewz

  6. I am trying to branch out as well. Hope we can accomplish this!

    Check out our resolutions for this year - OUaT TTT

    Leydy @ OUaT & Redcarpetendings

  7. They are some great resolutions Sofia. I totally understand the commenting one; I'm always visiting other blogs, but I never remember to comment!
    Thank you for visiting Book Badger earlier! :)

  8. I definitely agree with not checking the number of pages in a book! I didn't realise I did it until late last year, so I'm definitely going to stop doing that this year. (As much as I can, at least.) Writing wasn't on my list, but it's something that I definitely plan on doing more this year as well.

    Thanks for stopping by my Top Ten earlier!

  9. I like your thought on the length of a book. It's so true that 300 pages can feel like 1000 when a book just isn't amazing. I'd rather read an 800 pager that I can't put down -- those are the best reading experiences!

  10. I like your resolution about not stressing about the number of books your read. That (for the last number of years) has been something that has bogged me down. I think letting that go is a good thing. I don't have time to read 100 books a year (but someday I would really like to!). Great resolutions and good luck!

  11. New follower! I totally get the checking a book's page number. I used to not care but then I tried because of challenges, I tried reading shorter stories. I aimed lower so I can focus more about quality than quantity.

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books

  12. Wow yes, I COMPLETELY forgot about my to-be-read pile when I was making my resolutions. It is insanely out of control. Eep.

  13. I love this list! Thanks for the comment on my blog! :)
