Monday, October 14, 2013


"Quote-Tastic" is a meme hosted every Monday on Herding Cats & Burning Soup . To participate you have to post a favorite quote from a current or past read.
This week's quote is from "Good Omens", by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. I chose it because it makes me snort every time I read it and it's also representative of one of the things I enjoyed the most about this book, namely the dynamic between Aziraphale and Crowley, an angel and a demon that make up an unlikely - and hilarious - pair of friends.

“And gears." Said Anathema "My bike didn't have gears. I'm sure my bike didn't have gears."

Crowley leaned over to the angel. "Oh lord, heal this bike." He whispered sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, I just got carried away." hissed Aziraphale.


  1. LMAO That book has been in my 'Some Day' pile for years. I'll have to move it up.

  2. If it's full of snark and sarcasm I want to read it!
    Aly @ Aly's Miscellany

  3. LOL oh that sounds fun! I've never read them before. Gonna have to change that. Thanks for joining in this week Sophia!

  4. For all that those are 2 of the biggest and hottest names in the sci-fi/fantasy genres, I have never read either one. Yes, yes, I deserve to be stoned, blah, blah. *grin*

  5. I've got to give this one a try some day. I've wanted to for ages. :)
    - Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

  6. I'll have to look this one up! Sounds great!

    -Amanda P

    Where the Night Kind Roam
